
Testing Services

Testing Services


考试服务是通过学生和学术支持服务办公室(SASS)在澳门威尼斯人平台官网校区提供的。. 这些服务通过提供受监督的测试环境来帮助学生和教师. 考试在图书馆和学术资源中心(LARC) 346室进行。.

考试服务时间为周一至周五上午9点.m. to 5 p.m. Please note that these services end at 5 p.m. and all exams must be completed by this time. No exams will be scheduled after 4 p.m.

  • Students must make their appointment at least 3 days in advance. 我们建议您至少提前一周预约您需要的时间.
  • 希望进行Adobe认证预约的学生必须允许 2 weeks prior to the date of the exam.
  • A Lindenwood ID is required by all examinees. 没有带照片的学生将不被允许参加考试.
  • 监考人员不会提供任何考试资料. 从计算器到书写工具的所有材料都必须由考生携带.
  • All backpacks, cell phones, 智能手表将留在监考老师那里,试卷收齐后归还.
  • 所有在线考试将在大学电脑上进行.
  • If the exam uses ProctorU, 请参阅下面常见问题下的ProctorU信息.
  • 超过预约时间10分钟到达的学生需要重新安排时间.
  • Any questions can be directed to
  • 点击下面的链接预约考试时间. 下面的视频解释了如何浏览在线时间表,以确保你正确预约.

Make an Exam Appointment


Frequently Asked Questions